Commitment to Discovery
Glycadia is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics for the prevention and treatment of kidney, eye, cardiovascular and related diseases that result from diabetes.
Focus and Market
The current approach to forestalling diabetic complications concentrates on improving blood glucose levels and decreasing HbA1c. Despite “optimal” management with insulin and/or oral hypoglycemic agents and the advent of new anti-diabetic therapies; more than 70% of patients remain out of glycemic control.

Glycadia’s experienced R&D team is bringing new scientific discoveries to clinical trials of innovative products for complications of diabetes, including nephropathy, retinopathy and cardiovascular disease.
Meeting a National Health Crisis
With a market exceeding 100 million individuals in the United States alone, Glycadia is out to challenge the epidemic, with results. There are no drugs currently available that directly target diabetes-specific abnormalities underlying the microvascular and macrovascular complications of this disease. Glycadia addresses this massive, yet underserved, critical human healthcare need.
Product Pipeline

Learn more about Glycadia’s proprietary entities: GLY-230 for diabetic complications; GLY-220 and ES12 mAb for diabetic macrovascular disease; and A717 mAb for diabetic microvascular disease.
Clinical Trials

Glycadia has completed Phase Ia and Phase Ib/IIa clinical trials with its lead compound, GLY-230, and is preparing for additional Phase II trials of GLY-230 in patients with diabetes at risk for diabetic nephropathy.
Alzheimers Disease

Recent experimental work indicates that Glycadia’s compound in clinical development for vascular complications of diabetes may have efficacy in Alzheimer’s disease.